Welcome to SCAbox’s documentation !#
SCAbox is an FPGA-based side-channel analysis framework dedicated to research and educational purposes.
SCAbox aims at popularizing hardware security by enabling SCA experiments at low-cost using software-based hardware attacks. With the SCAbox framework you will be able to:
Familiarize with SCA and co-design development.
Reproduce attacks conducted in recent academic papers.
Build your own FPGA-based side-channel sensors.
Characterize the SCA leakage of your hardware and software algorithm implementation
This website provides a series of tutorials in which you will learn how to setup and use the SCAbox framework.
Please follow the tutorial order to setup the framework. You can stop the tutorials at any step depending on your needs. The content of each tutorial is described below:
Tuto #0 : Download the SCAbox Framework from GitHub.
Tuto #1 : Conduct your first FPGA-based side-channel attack using a pre-built SCAbox image.
Tuto #2 : Install the SCABox Framework using Vivado and Vitis tools.
Tuto #3 : Use the framework to collect power leakage and conduct SCA attacks.
You can cite this project using the articles below that describe the TDC and RO sensors implemented in SCAbox.
Remote Side-Channel Attacks on Heterogeneous SoC
Joseph Gravellier, Jean-Max Dutertre, Yannick Teglia, Philippe Loubet-Moundi, Olivier Francis. Remote Side-Channel Attacks on Heterogeneous SoC. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications, 18th International Conference, CARDIS 2019, Nov 2019, Pragues, Czech Republic.
High-Speed Ring Oscillator based Sensors for Remote Side-Channel Attacks on FPGAs
Joseph Gravellier and Jean-Max Dutertre and Yannick Teglia and Philippe Loubet-Moundi. High-Speed Ring Oscillator based Sensors for Remote Side-Channel Attacks on FPGAs, 2019 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig).
Sami Dahoux, Joseph Gravellier, Jean-Max Dutertre.